No, my geography hasn't gone AWOL. Although not technically East Coast, I'm including the Falls in this section since it is on the east side but also, formed part of our 2008 tour of New England.
In the planning stages for the trip, all three of us ( our then 16 year old daughter accompanied us on this one) listed all the places that we wanted to see. This one featured on all three, and didn't disappoint when we finally got there!
Approaching Niagara town, the first aspect of the falls that we became aware of was an absolutely huge column of spray!
Once in the town, we booked ourselves onto one of the many trips run around the falls and boy did we fall on our feet as our driver/guide was born & raised in the town, so we had an absolute wealth of information - stories and facts - which enriched the visit completely.
This is another one of those areas where the over-used adjective "Awesome" is totally accurate. We visited the upper & lower parts of the river together with the Hydro Electric Power Station sited on the Lower Niagara.
The volume of water heading over one of the falls is totally staggering - and apparently it still freezes in winter!
In our planning stages, a work colleague of my wife's recommended that we should also see the falls from the Canadian side which, after a quick bite to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe, we did. Driving out of America was an absolute breeze but to come back, we had yet another grilling about why we want to enter USA.
Have to say that it was well worth the diversion, although the view was probably made more amazing by the thunder-storm whilst we were there. Joking aside regarding re-entry to the States, I'd always recommend adding this element to your visit to Niagara since it gives you such a different view of the Falls, even without the thunder-storm!
Having seen both towns/cities of Niagara, the Canadian one definitely appeared more up-market than it's American counter-part!
After the falls, a short trip back to our hotel in Rochester before our flight to New York, and the end of our tour, the day after.

Lower Niagara River,

Hydroelectric plant, Lower Niagara river

Across the Niagara river into Niagara, the Canadian version

the American Falls, Niagara Falls

Canada & the American Falls

American Falls, Niagara from lower observation decks

Mist obscuring the observation tower, Niagara Falls

American Falls with Obervation tower in the background, Niagara Falls

Rainbow over Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls Statistics - and it still freezes!

American and Horseshoe Falls, Niagara