After our trip to the Canyon, via Vegas, L.A. was our next stop. In our planning stage, we had a fairly negative perception of the city but felt that we couldn't miss it. As such, we only scheduled two nights here which, in practical terms meant only one full day since we didn't land until late evening.
For our full day, we'd booked a tour of the city which was excellent & showed us so many of its different facets. In fact, as we learnt on the tour, what we know as LA actually comprises of seven independent cities! looking back, it's difficult to pick a favourite part of the day as we enjoyed seeing the variety that the city offers in it's different component parts & I've tried to reflect that in the images included here.
After our second night, our schedule took us back to LAX to collect our hire car for the heart of the trip - our journey up the coast on Pacific Highway 1.
For anyone from LA feeling affronted at our perception of the city, I'm happy to reassure you all that our visit totally re-set those perceptions to the extent that it's on out list to re-visit, and stay longer next time!
The first shot is the Bank of America building in Beverley Hills, complete with stained glass tiled canopy. The third shot is the hotel, again in Beverley Hills, where Richard Gere's character stayed in "Pretty Woman". The fourth shot, taken at the La Brea museum, highlights the naturally occurring phenomenon of tar surfacing from underground tar pits. Next up is the Farmers market; our stop for lunch & the 7th shot is the Walt Disney Theatre downtown followed by something from the Spanish heart of the city. Finally, we have Venice Beach (otherwise known as "Muscle Beach" - presumably something to do with the amount of outdoor gyms there), which is close to LAX and which I'd identified as out access point for the Pacific Coast Highway.

Bank of America Building, Beverley Hills, L.A.

Rodeo Drive, Beverley Hills, L.A.

Beverley Wilshire Hotel, made famous in "Pretty Woman, Beverley Hills, L.A.

La Brea tar pits, Wilshire Boulevard, L.A.

Farmers Market, Los Angeles

Great street art, Farmers Market, Los Angeles

Walt Disney Concert Hall, downtown Los Angeles

El Pueblo de Los Angeles

Venice Beach Boardwalk, Los Angeles

Venice Beach, Los Angeles. The Pacific's out there somewhere