The Hoover Dam
This was a planned stop-off en-route to the Grand Canyon. Built in the 1930s, the dam spans the state border between Nevada & Arizona, with the two towers each bearing a clock displaying state time. Perhaps would have been more impactful had there been a time difference between the two states?
The first shot is one of the roads between Vegas & the Dam & gives you a feel of the scale of things in this part of the world!
You'll see a change in rock colour in the third shot which seemed a real feat of Mother Nature. Colour change in rock is normal & typically a sign of different ages but the thing that captured my interest here was that it almost seemed as if the line had been drawn with a laser level! Geologists would no doubt be able to explain this phenomena but it was super impressive to me.
The final two images give a feel for "truckin' in the USA", taken at a truck stop just off Interstate 40 en route to the Grand Canyon.